Miami Director: Macy’s business value is beyond the global dimension, and the club’s income is 4 times that of the previous one.

Live Bar News on August 30, the business director of Miami, Havel-assensi, who has worked in Barcelona for 11 years, said in an exclusive interview with Western media Marca newspaper that after Massey joined, the club’s income will double.

How much did you do to sign Massey?

“When I came to Miami, I learned that the idea of major shareholder Jorge Mas was to become a model of North American football. Although football is a business, it belongs to players in the first place. If the players perform well, the football career will reach a higher level. This is why there is no better business than Macy’s, he is the number one player in history. My first conversation with Mas was at the end of 2020, when I asked him if he was in favor of signing Massey.”

Since then? Massey failed to return to Barcelona, and many people thought he would be seen in Saudi Arabia.

“The window has been opened since he left Barcelona. Without that, he would definitely be in Barcelona. He chose Paris first, and we didn’t have anything to do until June 2023. Indeed, everyone is paying attention to Saudi Arabia, but we have been working hard alone and planning the arrival of Massey. If you notice it, you will find that no players in Miami wear size 5 or 10.”

How much commercial value does signing Massey bring?

“First of all, let’s make it clear that Macy’s arrival is first to win on the court. Obviously, Macy is the player with the highest commercial value in the world, Modrich, Lamos, grizman or busketz can bring you some surprises, but Macy is another dimension in business, and he does not belong to the Earth. For example, in 2024, the income of Miami International will be four times that of Massey before. For Miami and the entire American League, he is unprecedented and unprecedented.”

Has an agreement been signed with the MLS?

“The league must participate in it, because in the United States, the players’ contracts are signed with the SLS rather than with the club. This is to avoid salary arrears, this is the same as the guarantee mode for closed leagues such as NFL or NBA. However, we hardly remind Macy of this, and there is no doubt that everyone is interested.”

Alba does not occupy the franchise quota, so will Suarez join the league team in January?

“Alba did not occupy the franchise, which is why we can sign a player to come in. As far as I know, Suarez is an option under consideration, but there are others.”

The home DRV PNK Stadium (which can accommodate 21000 people) is too small. The club announced the opening of the new stadium in 2025. What does this mean?

“The new stadium is scheduled to start in October this year, with 30000 seats and a huge leisure area and park. From another romantic point of view, it is also a luxury to watch Macy’s match in a barrier-free Stadium with only 21000 people, which gives people a kind of magic, it cannot be felt in the audience of 50000 people.”

The team won the Uefa Cup and reached the US Open Cup final. Can it enter the playoffs?

“I hope I can. The Uefa Cup is like a movie, just like the Champions League, with clubs from Mexico and Canada participating. It is surreal for me to win the championship at home. There is a mathematical possibility to enter the playoffs (11 points behind), but it is difficult to catch up without our franchise players. Of course, if you really enter the playoffs, I don’t think anyone wants to touch us.”

Now there are rumors that the referee is protecting Miami International. What do you think?

“But the fact is, they just gave Macy a yellow card a few days ago, we still don’t know why, and then we won the game in the last few minutes, and there were three penalty kick victories, this has already answered everything. I don’t know where the rumors come from. We have suffered losses in many competitions.”

Do you think Macy will join the Liberator Cup with Miami international one day?

“I have heard something, but I don’t know the truth yet, at least there is no official news yet.”

How to deal with Massey’s daily life in this city?

“If there is anyone special, it is Massey, but we gave him an absolutely normal life and then supported him as much as possible.”

Will Massey kick it to 2025 like signing a contract? Or does it look at the situation every year?

“Our idea is 23 years, 24 years and 25 years, or more, and we hope it will be longer. Incredible things will happen here. Macy is a greater player than the whole club or even the whole league. The new stadium was completed, the 2026 World Cup, the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, many things will happen here.”

Many stores are not printing Massey’s name jerseys…

“It was like a tsunami, sweeping the US league. I worked for Barcelona for 11 years. Everything was planned one and a half years in advance, but there is an unpredictable ‘Macy effect’ here ‘. A large number of products will arrive in October. By 2024, we will make a global market forecast.”

Massey will also participate in the America’s Cup next year. Can the second UEFA Cup be held as scheduled?

“This is a good question. There is no answer yet. We have told the alliance that it is very important to adapt to the international schedule. Let’s wait and see.”


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