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Referee arrangement: Shi Xiaolu and Fu Ming are in charge of Dalian People vs Jinmen Tiger he Kai law enforcement Chongqing vs Shenhua

Live broadcast on August 30 news FA Cup officially announced the referee’s arrangement for the first match of the fifth round of FA Cup. Shi Xiaolu and He Kai will enforce the law in two matches respectively. August 30 18:30 Dalian People vs Jinmen Tiger Referee: Shi Xiaolu VAR: Fu Ming August 30 19:35 Chongqing tonglianglong vs Shanghai Shenhua Referee: He Kai VAR: Gu Chunjia (Derison)

After Alba withdrew, Spain left the national team in the final of Euro 2012.

Live broadcast bar, August 30, according to BR statistics, Spain has all left the national team in the 2012 European Cup final. According to the “as” news, Alba, who is currently playing for Miami International, has decided to retire from the Spanish national team and has conveyed this decision to the Spanish Football Association. As Alba withdrew from the national team, it also meant that all the first players of Spain in the 2012 European Cup final did not play for the national team. With Spain’s 2012 European Cup final starting: Casi, Alba, Pique, Lamos, Arbeloa, buskitz, Harvey, Alonso, Iniesta, Fabregas, David Silva (Luca)

Roman official: lucuku is the core player of Fridkin’s realization of the club’s vision

Live broadcast bar, August 30 -lucucu has arrived in Rome and is about to sign a formal contract with RedWolf. A Rome club official said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that the Fridkin family attached great importance to and personally promoted the signing: “The bosses of the club worked hard to reach an agreement with lucaku. With the investment of the Fridkin family, the club has made progress year by year, they regard lucuku as the core part of the team’s vision of creating a new record and winning the top four in Serie A.” A source close to the Fridkin family said: “The Fridkin family is deeply involved in and committed to building the Rome club. Their goal is to realize the glory that the club and fans deserve. In a deal like lucuku, the efforts and investment efforts of Dan and Ryan have been fully reflected (Roman chairman Dan-Fridkin, vice chairman Ryan-Fridkin and his son), bringing world-class players such as lucuku to the club is also part of their vision.” Italy’s “Sky Sports” previously reported that lucucu had completed the medical examination and would soon sign a contract with Rome. (Old onion)

LaPorta led a delegation to visit Kyrgyzstan and will open 2 Barcelona colleges in the country.

Live broadcast on August 29 News from Barcelona Official News, Barcelona president Laporta led the Barcelona delegation to Kyrgyzstan, a Central Asian country, for a three-day visit, this includes attending the opening ceremony of a new Barcelona College and a Barcelona legend competition. Barcelona aims to launch the “Barcelona Experience” project in Kyrgyzstan, including 2 Barcelona colleges, 1 Barcelona cafe and 1 Barcelona store, the opening of this project will be celebrated by the friendship match between Barcelona legends and Asian legends. After an eight-hour flight, the Barcelona delegation arrived at the airport in the northeast of the country. The Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, kange Buick-tahiev, welcomed them and there were a large number of fans. Barcelona president Laporta said: “We hope to support football in this country.” (mageth)

Bayern official: Victoria’s lease to Dinamo, Belgrade, for one year

Live broadcast bar, August 30 news on Wednesday afternoon local time, Bayern officials announced that the 19-year-old attacker vivech would rent out to Dinamo, Belgrade. The official news from Bayern said that the club rented Vidovic to the Croatian team Dinamo in Belgrade, and the loan ended in the summer of 2024. The 19-year-old attacker came to Munich from his hometown Augsburg in 2016, and the current contract ended in the summer of 2025. He is a member of the U21 national youth team in Croatia and has played 6 times so far. Saur, director of Bayern youth training, said: “Dinamo, the city of Belgrade, is famous for their excellent youth training academy and continuing to train young players at a high level in the field of professional football.” “We believe that Victoria will get the ideal conditions there to get out of the next step and accumulate experience in the international arena. We are looking forward to his next development in Dinamo, Belgrade, and will pay close attention to him.” With his outstanding performance in youth training college, Victoria Vichy won the professional contract in Bayern. He has played 33 times in the second team and scored 21 goals. In the first team, he also played 4 times. Victoria was loaned to Vitesse last season to accumulate competition experience. According to previous media reports, he was rented out to Dinamo in Belgrade this time with buyout options and repurchase terms. (Ximu)

Western media: Seville was forced to withdraw. Vera has already started negotiations with Barcelona on the transfer of Langley.

Live broadcast on August 29 news according to Western media relevo, the summer market has entered the final stage, Aston Villa has already started negotiations with Barcelona on the transfer of Langley. In recent days, Sevilla has expressed interest in renting players. Langley doesn’t want to go to the Saudi league. He wants to return to Barcelona, but at present his competitive level cannot meet Harvey’s requirements. Like many other La Liga clubs, Seville continues to have a serious deficit and the wage ceiling has been exceeded. It is for this reason that even though they know Langley meets all the requirements of the sports management, they cannot provide a higher amount. If they plan to make this transfer a reality, the loan amount will be between 2 million and 3 million euros, depending on how many players they can place in the last few days of the market. Now Aston Villa is strongly involved and willing to negotiate on the transfer, which will also bring more income to Barcelona. Vera lost Ming in the first game. It was less than half an hour before the game. Ming was injured in his knee after a fight with Isaac, therefore, he will be absent for seven to nine months, even for the whole season. (Moon footprint)

Chelsea official: New aid Petrovich will wear No. 28 jersey

Live Bar, August 30 news today, Chelsea officially announced that the team’s new aid goalkeeper Petrovich will wear No. 28 jersey. Previously, the owner of the number was the former captain azpiriquetta. In an interview, Petrovich said: “I am very happy to wear the No. 28 jersey. I know this number means a lot. The No. 28 is the number that AZP wore before.” “I once asked if I could wear the No. 99 jersey. This is the number I wore when I was in the United States League, but they told me that this number is too large for the Premier League, then I looked at what size I could wear and thought the No. 28 jersey looked good.” (JayChan)

Official: Salle marcoles joins Bologna on loan, including selective buyout terms

Live Bar, August 30 -ac Milan club officially announced that salemacols joined Bologna on loan for one year, and Bologna has selective buyout terms. In the official announcement, AC Milan club wished sale marcoles all the best in the new season. According to Romano, the loan fee for salemarcoles to join Bologna on loan is 500000 euros and the purchase fee is 10 million euros. (Iron Steel Fist)